Sat 04 Jan
$$Palm Beach Millionaire$$ seeks $$$Sugar Baby$$$ >> Must Have Great Smile, $Love $Travel, $Horses+ - 40
(Louisville, Louisville to Florida++)
Take a BreakJapanese Hispanic ASIAN MassageFree Table Shower - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Moorpark St., North Hollywood)
Hey its**ANGEL** im playing on lake cumberland the rest of the week and im looking for a playmate ;) - 21
(Lexington, Somerset and surrounding lake cumberland)
🍸Gentleman's Choice 👠 🍭Sweet🍭 💝BustyBlondeBeauty💝 *outcall only* 305-586-2157 - 29
(Lexington, 💎outcall only💎 305-586-2157 🎇100%me)
xXx ___ Your Dream HOTTIE! ___ xXx ___ Sexy Body & Gorgeous Face! Beauty & Class ___ xXx - 21
(My Place or Yours 24/7!)
XoXoX CALL 503-719-0366 For the time of Your life. ...Very Exotic w green eyes XoXoX - 19
➡SToP RighT THeRE × 💯% REAL 💎 ✾💥 SATiSFaCTiON 💥👌💥 with YoUR THiCk BooTY BRUNeTtE 🌺✾🌺 - 25
(Portland, Vancouver Incall off i5 outcall availabl)
NeW ❤ SeXxY GoRGeOUS SWeET ❤ Blonde Cutie ❤ STUNNING *★* SPECIALS _100$ - 23
(Portland, vancouver incalls & outcalls everywhere)
**LaSt DAy ViSiTiNg**•• The SWEeTeST TRE@T••★Kandi ★ Perfect Choice! - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
Kinky Ebony Bunny Here to Treat You Come Play Fella's love it fella's - 20
(Portland, My Bed Or Yous :))
Bootylicious BOMBSHELL __ GRESHAM Incall __ * *Hot SPECIALS* * Well REVIEWED! - 25
(Portland, UPSCALE NICE Gresham incall- outcalls)
♥Airport Incall♥SeducTive Hottie with a BanGing Body♥♥SexyEBONY VixEn Ready for YOU★100hh SPECAILS - 19
(Portland, Airport incall/ Outcall)
💄👠💋 BLONDE•BUBBLY•HORNY!💋👠💄 well reviewed, and highly recommended! 80/QV!! - 26
(Portland, 💋💋💋 CONVENTION cntr in/out everywhere 💋💋)
&&&&&&&&&&&& Outcall Only 503-488-5759 &&&&&&&&&&& Sexy Korean Nelly &&&&&&&&&&& Asian GIRL - 22
(Portland, Outcall Only)
This EAST VALLEY SWEETHEART is up and ready to play!!! who wants to join me??!!
have some fun with Mz. Juicy chicago's finest. Call for morning specials - 24
(Columbia, Broadriver)
(((JUST TONITE))! »??» ToTaL PaCKaGe »???» SeXy.. SwEeT..ThIcK.. & FuN »???»HoT SpEcIaLs » - 22
Full Body Massage 👑 Classy 👑 Sexy 👑 European Princess ReADy to sAtIsFy your needs ! 👑 CALL NOW ! - 26
(Center City, NE PHILADELPHIA NEAR WAL-Mart store RT.1, Philadelphia)
(( ღ ஐ ღ )) ________ " iT FEELS S000 G00D "_______ (( ღ ஐ ღ)) - 30
(Northern Virginia, Dulles/ Sterling 5o Specials)
k.o.r.e.a.n.c.a.n.d.i. is back !!!!!Asian Persuasion!!!!! 100% real pic 36DD great reviews - 30
(Northern Virginia, woodbridge area incall)
Unique Beauty ~~~~ Busty Brunette ~~~~ Italian & Portuguese - 24
(Northern Virginia, Outcall to your location)
...¤•° -¦- °•¤..... УL¡GHTfÛL * §¢®øumþTøu§ * Be@UT¥ ...... ¤•° -¦- °•¤... - 22
(Northern Virginia, Wdbg/dumfries)
•LET ME BE°•❤•° _ Y.O.U.R _ °•❤•° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °•❤•° _ P.E.T.I.T.E_ FREAK°•❤ - 19
(Northern Virginia, woodbridge)
✨💖LIMITED TIME ONLY 💖✨ Exclusive ___ Sexy ___ Young___ 🌟🌟🌟GORGEOUS BRUNETTE💕💕💕Outcalls Only - 28
(Northern Virginia, ❤ OUTCALLS -HOTELS ONLY NW DC- VA)
♡♡💌💌Stop Right There🚫The Search Stop Here👇I Am The Gal💁 You Looking For♡♡💌💌INCALLS!! - 21
(North Bay, Vallejo, Vallejo Incall Benicia,Novato,Petaluma)
Trending now! Role play with a twist! ***Call 707/584-6986 for an appointment today!*** - 52
(Central Santa Rosa, North Bay, Santa Rosa)
Come and experience real pleasures 925-435-8124 with an exotic Brazilian beauty - 26
(North Bay, Vallejo, Napa, Fairfield,Benicia,Richmon)
❤️StAr Of YoUr DrEaMs❤️ThIcK & JuIcY ❤️SeXy WiTh CuRvEs❤️JaCkSoN, Tn - 20
(Memphis, jackson, tn Memphis, tn)
🍀 lil ryder ready ride my night away 🍀45 specials yes im a red head only 18🔥 - 18
(Memphis, Whitehaven)
Happy New Year'$$$Your Playbunny Treasure! One Luv$$$ - 22
(Germantown/MetroCenter, Downtown & Germantown)
🌟✨w33t Kitty .. juicy Lips$60/$100 special 🌟✨ I can do tricks - 23
(all areas out call available, Louisville)
*** S. .w. .E. .e. .T ** & ** S. .e. .X. .y *** B. .o. .M. .b. .S. .h. .e. .L. .L *** - 20
.:+dESERt iS AlWAYS BetteR When Your N0T Supposed T0 hAVE ME!:)*bRittanY* M0NdAYY SPECiAl+:. - 21
🆕🍦🍭 - DELICIOUS treat - 🍭🍦 💣Perfect Bombshell [[☡WaRniNg ; HiGhLy ADDICTIVE - 20
(Louisville, Louisville/Incall)
AwSoMe REVIEWS!! This SeXy Italiana is Classy NOT Trashy! So Let Me Wrap My Legs Around YOU!! - 25
(Louisville, LaGrange (20min from downtown L'Ville))
*♥ :*¨¨* CuRvY cUTiE~sWEet~ MiXed BEAUTY avaiL. NOW + ¸.'´¯) INcall specials¸. - 19
(Louisville, LOUisviLLe (INcalls* Near Airport ))
Come Help Me Celebrate My Birthday ***DANNI DYNAMITE*** No One Brings It Like i Do 9am-5pm. - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
Swedish Blond No Gag Reflex Doll OUT- CALL ELSA 267- 333- 8112 Avail 24/7 - 26
(Philadelphia, I COME 2U FROM N.E. PHILLY- 267-333-8112)
P ø R ñ ⭐️Experience ❤️Ebony❤️▐ ♥ GREAT A.S.S w Soft Skin♥Long Legs▐▐▐_5'8 & 120lbs ♥ Petite & Tight - 21
(Center City, Outcall All Over, Philadelphia)
Fri 03 Jan
GOOD SERVICE don't come cheap. (405)882-5750 no blocked calls text me RETURN BY DEMAND - 41
(Oklahoma City, I 40 & meridian in a suite...4058825750)
Ms.Vette is here!!! your mocha delight 80 roses for in calls call 325-733-2440 !!!!$$$$$$ - 30
(Abilene, west texas abilene)
💋💋💋💋💋❤️ Mediterranean Beauty, Naughty but Nice 💋💋💋💋💋❤️ - 37
(Northern VA..Alexandria, Northern Virginia)
💕💋💕💋💕💋💕💋♥♡ Your Little Evening Secret MARCIE ♡♥ 💋💕💋💕💋💕💋💕 - 22
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner/ Vienna)
*¨¨*-:¦ WARNING: *-:¦:-* SEXY *-:ASIAN mix COLOMBIAN *-:¦:-* MODEL TYPE*¨¨* - 25
(Springfield/Surrounding Area)
★ _T_H_E ☆ _F_U_N_ ★ S_T_A_R_T S ☆ H_E_R_E ★ - 21
(Northern Virginia, Call for location... NOVA In/Out)
~*~* Sweet ~*~ Busty ~*~ Blonde ~*~ College~*Girl ~**~ Surpass ~*~ Your ~*~ Expectations!! ~*~*~* - 21
♔ RAVE REVIEWS on T.E.R No BS, No Drama, Never a disappointment! ♔ - 27
-:¦:- °o♥o° SeXy °o♥o° -:¦:- BRUNETTE * Barbie * Doll * Type-:¦:- °o♥o° ° - - 19
(66/ Church/Visiting..)
new arrival phat b00ty nice b00bz perfect waist pretty soft skin busty - 23
(Northern Virginia, tysons corner)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :MY :¦: SPECIALS - 21
(Northern Virginia, Dumfries / woodbridge / In & Outs)
Come get out of the rain an relax with me you will leave new man - 25
(Northern Virginia, springfield nova)
▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄ ❤◆▒▒▀▒▒ B×L×O×N×D×E ◆ DREAM•GIRL ▒▒ ▄▀▄▀▄▀▒▒ S•P•E•C•i•A•L•S !! ◆ LEAVIN ❤ - 19
(Northern Virginia, Manassas fairfax hwy66 on Studley Rd)
40/50 $$... NeW Slim & SeXy Gal .... Come OvEr NoW ... $$ - 21
(INCALLS and outcalls, Northern Virginia)