Tue 21 Jan
Barbie Lewinsky👑 & A Few New Pic's Papi & I Also Have Another Barbie With Me 👯 Baddies Fine As Wine - 27
beautiful hard working females, tired of struggling? want a better future? no escorting 4+ figures$$ - 20
(Columbus, LA-MIAMI)
Hot Red headed vixen ... Laura... Friendly, Openminded, and Fun! Real Photos! - 25
(Cleveland, west)
❤▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❤▬▬▬▬ ❤ NEW - GORGEOUS ASIAN GIRL ❤ ▬▬▬▬ ❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❤▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❤▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❤ - 21
(Cleveland, ☎️ : 6142846845 Quarry Ln Independence)
Your DREAM Come True●●EVERYTHING You Want & MORE ●● Exotic Ebony Freak ●● Big BooTy & Very Discreet - 23
Young hot sexy lady Looking for Some fun! !!;)2 Girl Special - NEW NUMBER!!! 216 688 8544 - 21
(Cleveland, Harvard Ave)
xSWEET x x (( C-L-A-S-S-Y )) x xBRUNETTE x x ( ( B-U-S-T-Y )) x - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland- in call & out call)
Wᗩ®ᑎIᑎG😆tHicK gIrL tHaT will MaKe Ur tOeS cUrL😗💦 👍 HeRe fOr OnE MoRe DAy 😘😜 N0 BlAcK MeN UnDeR 35😜🙌 - 22
(Cleveland, Willoughby Incalls Only Do Not Send Text)
Want to start your morning GREAT or MAYBE End your night even BETTER.... - 21
(Cleveland, Your Place Or Mines.!)
WEEKDAY SPECIALS 💋💋💋 2GIRL FANTASY SPECIALS; Nothing But Fun 😍 Lola 😍 Newbe 👠👠👠👛💄 Upscale - 22
(Cleveland Downtown, outcall)
🔥👑THE P£RF£CT TR£AT🍰🍦🍪Y0UR B£ST K£PT S£CR£T 🙊S£xxY Bu$ty BløÑD€ 👯 - 21
(Austin, North, North austin)
**-:¦:-* -The __ P E R F E C T_* ~~ -:¦:- ~~ *_C H O I C E *-:¦:- :** - 21
(Austin, Austin, Airport/downtown)
^^^ The MOST _ D *E *S *I*R *A *B *L * E ^^^! ! ^^^Ultra _ SEXY ^^^ ( (Sweetheart) ) of 2010!! - 21
*♡*♡*♡* Sweetness *♡*♡*♡* Sexy Latina *♡*♡*♡ Lilly Ann ****** Outcalls Only ***** 100% Pictures **** - 22
@@@ ...SpEciALs *****YumMy yUm yuM ComE gEt You SoMe******* ..... SpEciALs@@@ - 23
(Austin, All over Austin)
Specials!!!!!! 📷NEW PICTURE'S📷 🍷Upscale 🎀 Companionship 🍷💦Chyna💦 💥💣BOMBSHELL 💣💥 - 23
(austin, Downtown)
SPECIAL ...60 ... Special .60 .. 60.. 60.. SPECIAL ..... Why not play today with me?
(I-35 & 290 E.)
Skilled in the Art of Erotic sensation. Come enjoy now. FBST + GFE + Body shampoo well reviewed - 33
(I-35 between 290/183)
(SEXY HOT AND TEMPTING) sweet, JUICY and ! COME FIND OUT! (90/ special)100% real 2 - 24
(Austin, south Austin)
👡🍸Sensually Motivated 💆🔹Leslie🎵Wants To Come Over & Play🌘 - 38
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas, Downtown)
S E X YC L A S S YB E A U T I F U L*R E A L*S A T I S F A C T I O N - 28
(Austin, South)
Seductress Caters to your TRUE Desires~Visiting Try something New~38DD ~Visitng - 31
(Austin, Austin and All Surrounding In/OUt)
🎌㊙️🍒💖🎎✌🏻💋☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 🔥╠╣ot! ASIAN 🎎 ✨NeW✨ To AreA🛬 100% Real Pix💋🍾🎀💖💕 - 23
(Arboretum, Austin)
•°o♥o°• Drama Free Fun W/O The BullShit •°o♥o°• Miss Molly 24/7 •°o♥o°• - 42
(Austin, incall north central)
❌⭕️❌NeW❌⭕️❌NeW❌⭕️❌NeW ⭕️❌KiNkY❌⭕️❌BLonDe ❌⭕️❌PLaYmAtE❌⭕️❌ - 19
(Austin, D O M A I N. R E A D Y N O W., Downtown)
💋😘 NEW GIRL!!! First time in austin, whos going to be all mine?? 😘💋 - 20
(Austin, OUTCALL ONLY, South)
N E W !! BedHead REDD *** S H E L B Y *** P r e t t y P e t i t e P l a y m a t e . . . S W E E T !! - 19
(Austin, *** YOUR PLACE ***)
NEW!! ... 2 SMOKING HOT Blonde Cuties *** Hhr Specials 1 for 80, both for 160 *** Amazing Skills!!! - 20
(Austin, North Austin ((Si Habla Espanol)))
Morning SPECIALS HoUr-gLaSs FiGuRe & LoOks 2 KiLL!!___ UpScALe BaBe (( NeW PiX)) HiGhLy ReViEwEd - 22
(Incalls North 35 and Parmer Ln)
👑Mesmorizing Latina Goddess👑 💄Sweet Busty Exotic Playmate🎀 💋The Ultimate Companion💖 Call Me - - 27
(Austin, Downtown)
LESHIA........ new to business. 20 year old luscious brunette looking for a teacher. - 20
(Austin, Northwest Austin)
LAST CHANCE~:¦:•L• O • O • K• :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA:— :¦:LOVE:¦: — :ME :¦:Xoxo 60 SPECIAL!! - 27
Jazz is Back✔ Rear parking Vixen BBW I'm ☆Alw@ys ☆On ☆My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ☎ - - 25
(Austin, North Austin i35 & 290)